Kilpailupäivä 31.08.2018
VIP 30.08.2018
Kilpailu on VPV-Cupin osakilpailu
Tulokset arvotaan puolueettomasti lyhyellä arvonnalla
Kutsu päivitetty 07.09.2018 klo 10:51:48
Osallistu muodossa:
Ratsastaja - Hevonen
Huom! Osallistuaessa ei tarvitse VRL- eikä VH-tunnuksia
Ongelmatilanteissa ota yhteyttä
1. Vaativa B TT
2. Vaativa A TT
3. Prix St. Georges TT
4. Intermediate I TT
5. Intermediate II TT
6. Grand Prix TT
1. Anarchy - Dessa Bambina
2. Sissi Pietinen - Black Lagoon
3. Sissi Pietinen - Chuckles
4. Sissi Pietinen - Werner
5. yersinio - Athena D. HRW
6. yersinio - A.D. Fedrianne
7. Sissi Pietinen - Belmont Sleeper
8. yersinio - Seifenkraut Vivien
9. Tinja - VB Eldfågel
10. Milja - M.B. Chiro
11. yersinio - Total Sounz RIB
12. Sissi Pietinen - Nos Pacifique
13. yersinio - Oldfinion Realfan
14. yersinio - Spectrum Wolf
15. Milja - Ethrica Sy
16. yersinio - Eloiser
17. yersinio - Illuminada
18. Sissi Pietinen - Anemone G
19. yersinio - Elysium Kira
20. yersinio - Wolf's Dollarlion
1. Sissi Pietinen - Mac Mandy
2. yersinio - Emmanuel
3. Sissi Pietinen - Veronique
4. yersinio - Iconia
5. yersinio - Unity
6. yersinio - Staffan
7. yersinio - Glänzend
8. Sissi Pietinen - Achille
9. Anarchy - Dessa Bambina
10. yersinio - Oldfinion Valeria
11. yersinio - Quintessence
12. yersinio - Ottavia
13. yersinio - Oldfinion Upperside
14. Sissi Pietinen - Pokrenot Pok
15. yersinio - Rosario
1. maura - Evelyn v. Helmwald
2. Anarchy - Maleficent Omega
3. maura - Bach Lee
4. yersinio - Oldfinion Castelle
5. yersinio - Oldfinion Atemberaubend
6. yersinio - Oldfinion Eriveria
7. Anarchy - Glaucia AWB
8. Anarchy - Carnelier
9. yersinio - Oldfinion Wundervoll
10. yersinio - Oldfinion Emperio
11. maura - Lumos v.d. Romilly
12. yersinio - Oldfinion Golden Winner
13. Anarchy - Serellenders Linnea
14. yersinio - Oldfinion Realfan
15. yersinio - Oldfinion Lorena
16. maura - Nutzbringer Lee
17. yersinio - Oldfinion Scirocco
18. Anarchy - Schwarze Kunst AWB
19. Anarchy - Oldfinion D. Swunsch
20. maura - Snipenard Dom
21. yersinio - Oldfinion Bapathia
22. maura - Chimaera v. Helmwald
23. maura - Sultans of Swing Wolf
24. maura - Heidseck Carrie
25. Anarchy - Mark of Destiny
26. maura - Rawondu Holmes
27. maura - Krimhilde Lee
1. Anarchy - Schwarze Kunst AWB
2. maura - Bach Lee
3. yersinio - Oldfinion Stark Dian
4. maura - Krimhilde Lee
5. Anarchy - Oldfinion D. Swunsch
6. yersinio - Oldfinion Valeria
7. maura - Rawondu Holmes
8. yersinio - Oldfinion Realfan
9. yersinio - Oldfinion Upperside
10. Anarchy - Mark of Destiny
11. maura - Evelyn v. Helmwald
12. maura - Lumos v.d. Romilly
13. maura - Chimaera v. Helmwald
14. Anarchy - Carnelier
15. yersinio - Oldfinion Double Dandy
16. yersinio - Oldfinion Emperio
17. maura - Heidseck Carrie
18. Anarchy - Serellenders Linnea
19. maura - Sultans of Swing Wolf
20. yersinio - Oldfinion Total
21. yersinio - Oldfinion Olympic
22. maura - Nutzbringer Lee
23. yersinio - Oldfinion Masterpiece
24. maura - Snipenard Dom
25. Anarchy - Schwarzdrossel AWB
26. Anarchy - Glaucia AWB
27. yersinio - Oldfinion Tabasco
28. Anarchy - C2H7NSO3 '88
29. Anarchy - Maleficent Omega
1. yersinio - Oldfinion der Primus
2. Rooa - Scooby Dooby Doo
3. Ingrid - Mango Tango
4. maura - Reinhold II
5. maura - Shondalynn TGIT
6. maura - Heidseck Steininger
7. Anarchy - Tacitus Waldein
8. Anarchy - 8th Commandment MHW
9. Ingrid - Lavender Wind
10. Anarchy - Domer Beauregard
11. Anarchy - C2H7NSO3 '88
12. maura - Fuchsanfall
13. Ingrid - Chiquita
14. Ingrid - Eleonora
15. maura - Dawnfrost Solo
16. Anarchy - Sinister Krypton
17. Ingrid - Alibaba II RIC
18. Anarchy - Tiberio Z
19. Anarchy - Domer Darnell
20. yersinio - Oldfinion Bapathia
21. maura - 4th Dimension At
22. yersinio - Oldfinion Castelle
23. yersinio - Oldfinion Lorena
24. Anarchy - Bladewarden
25. yersinio - Oldfinion Magnificent
26. maura - Chameleon
27. yersinio - Oldfinion Atemberaubend
28. yersinio - Oldfinion Premium
29. maura - Mortzell
30. Ingrid - Atlantic Black RIC
31. maura - Heidseck McDreamy
32. Ingrid - February Air RIC
33. yersinio - Oldfinion Eriveria
34. maura - Aerosol At
35. yersinio - Oldfinion Scirocco
36. yersinio - Oldfinion Golden Winner
37. Anarchy - 8th Circle of Hell AWB
38. Anarchy - Thranduil CENS
39. Ingrid - Oceanborn
40. Ingrid - Banana Pancakes RIC
41. Ingrid - Two Minutes to Midnight RIC
1. Sissi Pietinen - SP Colin
2. yersinio - Oldfinion Tabasco
3. maura - Shondalynn TGIT
4. Ingrid - Versailles
5. maura - Heidseck Steininger
6. yersinio - Oldfinion Masterpiece
7. Anarchy - Tiberio Z
8. yersinio - Oldfinion Olympic
9. Ingrid - Alibaba
10. Ingrid - Fashion Hit
11. Ingrid - Hubert
12. yersinio - Oldfinion Wundervoll
13. maura - Fuchsanfall
14. maura - Mortzell
15. Anarchy - 8th Commandment MHW
16. Rooa - Mandarin Duck RWD
17. maura - Chameleon
18. Ingrid - Toronto
19. Ingrid - Go For Gold
20. Anarchy - Sinister Krypton
21. Ingrid - First Choice
22. yersinio - Oldfinion Total
23. Anarchy - Bladewarden
24. Anarchy - Tacitus Waldein
25. Anarchy - Domer Beauregard
26. Ingrid - Waterford
27. yersinio - Oldfinion Magnificent
28. yersinio - Oldfinion Double Dandy
29. Ingrid - Saranella
30. yersinio - Oldfinion Stark Dian
31. maura - Dawnfrost Solo
32. Anarchy - Thranduil CENS
33. Rooa - Scooby Dooby Doo
34. maura - 4th Dimension At
35. yersinio - Oldfinion der Primus
36. Ingrid - Braveheart
37. maura - Heidseck McDreamy
38. Anarchy - Domer Darnell
39. maura - Reinhold II
40. Anarchy - Schwarzdrossel AWB
41. yersinio - Oldfinion Premium
42. Anarchy - 8th Circle of Hell AWB
43. maura - Aerosol At